Sports Massage after Surgery

Postoperative recovery is a critical period that can determine the overall success of surgical procedures. It is a time when the body must not only heal from the trauma of surgery but also adapt to any changes and begin the process of regaining function and strength. One often overlooked aspect of postoperative care is the role of sports massage and bodywork in enhancing the healing process.

The Move More Podcast’s recent episode, featuring guest Mikey Black, delves into this subject with the depth and understanding it deserves. They discuss the intricate balance between therapeutic touch and the body's natural healing mechanisms, highlighting how techniques like massage, cupping, and scraping can significantly bolster the body's journey back to wellness.

Sports massage, as Dr. Scott Jablonka and Mikey explain, is not just about relaxation; it is a targeted approach to managing scar tissue and improving tissue neuroplasticity. The careful manipulation of the body's soft tissues can help to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and facilitate the neuroplastic changes necessary for functional recovery. They share personal anecdotes and professional wisdom, which illuminate the transformative effects of massage on recuperation.

Moreover, the episode takes listeners through the benefits of cupping and scraping therapies, particularly in post-surgery care. These lesser-known therapies are brought to light as Mikey discusses their efficacy in reducing muscle guarding, a common and often painful response to surgery. He shares insights on the optimal timing and methods for these treatments, revealing their surprising benefits in promoting healing.

The conversation does not shy away from the technical aspects of these therapies. For instance, the use of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization tools, known as scraping, is discussed in relation to how it can enhance blood flow and reduce edema. The importance of proper technique and the concept of neural smudging are also considered, further explaining how these therapies can help re-establish the crucial brain-body connections necessary for rehabilitation.

One of the episode's strengths is its practical advice for both patients and practitioners. It provides guidelines for when to begin massage therapy post-operation and the various techniques that can be employed to support healing. The experts emphasize the need for communication and collaboration with surgeons and the use of professional tools to enhance patient outcomes. It is a trove of insights for anyone seeking to integrate advanced massage therapies into their recovery plan.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the integration of modalities like sports massage and bodywork into postoperative care could revolutionize how we approach rehabilitation. Dr. Jablonka and Mikey Black's episode is a testament to the power of combining traditional medical knowledge with alternative therapies to create comprehensive, patient-centered care plans.

In conclusion, the podcast episode sheds light on the potential of sports massage and bodywork to enhance postoperative recovery. It is a compelling argument for a more proactive and integrated approach to post-surgery care that prioritizes patient wellness and long-term functional outcomes. For anyone interested in exploring the benefits of these techniques, this episode is an invaluable resource that encourages a broader perspective on health and healing.


Sports Massage and Physical Therapy


Sports Massage for Performance